Tibet News Starts a news blogsite under blogger.com

Tibet News is starting a blog website to publish news and articles relates to Tibet and China. Tibet News is an initiative to keep people informed and aware of what is happening in and out of Tibet relates to Tibetan struggle. Tibet News is also keen to track the changing China and happening inside China. Tibet News was started with a few hundred readers and at present it is counting above 10,000 readers. Tibet News blog website is under blogger.com's free version and it is a trial for us to know the need of such website. In learning good number of visitors, we may launch an independent news website too. There are number of readers replying on various issues with their thoughts and many of them have shared our news in their website/blogsite. We thank each and everyone of them for their continued support for justice and truth. 

We welcome individual articles and news contribution on our blogsite as well as on our enewsletter related to Tibet and changing China. You can email your articles/news at thetibetnews@riseup.net

The present free blogger's website is; www.tibetnewsonline.blogspot.com


  1. 10,000 is small compared to 7 billion. I will make a greater effort in the future. Tibet news in pointing out (indirectly) that Taiwan Through a company there (Foxconn) that American business (and others) use is also part of the problem should be noted.


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